this blog will give information about vlsi for every vlsi students

Thursday, 6 August 2015

AP Loan Status Of III phase of farmer

AP Loan Status Of III phase of farmer

this was real loan status of the farmer loan debit of you account in the loan with you Aadhar and Rationa Card and loan account number serach with bank loan details was displayed on the screen with below link of every person know what is the status of loan account deducted by the government as per the rule of go's from the cm Chandra babu Naidu and his team released the status of loan account of III phase for the long period of sequence

click here the below link for the loan status check the loan of you account with the aadhar and ration card and loan account no;

Wednesday, 15 July 2015



  1. It is a data Structure which consists if group of nodes that forms a sequence.
  2. It is very common data structure that is used to create tree,graph and other abstract data types.
1NodeLinked list is collection of number of nodes
2Address Field in NodeAddress field in node is used to keep address of next node
3Data Field in NodeData field in node is used to hold data inside linked list.

Advantages of linked list

Addres and Linked List Node Strucutre in Programming

List of advantages :
  1. Linked List is Dynamic data Structure .
  2. Linked List can grow and shrink during run time.
  3. Insertion and Deletion Operations are Easier
  4. Efficient Memory Utilization ,i.e no need to pre-allocate memory
  5. Faster Access time,can be expanded in constant time without memory overhead
  6. Linear Data Structures such as Stack,Queue can be easily implemeted using Linked list
  1. llocate as much memory as we can.
  2. Though you can allocate any number of nodes, still there is limit for allocation of memory . (We can allocate memory considering that heap size will not be exceeded)
Re-commanded article : Dynamic memory allocation

2. Insertion and Deletion Operations are easy

  1. Insertion and Deletion operations in Linked List is very flexible.
  2. We can insert any node at any place easily and similarly we can remove it easily.
  3. We don’t have to shift nodes like array insertion. In Insertion operation in linked list , we have to just update next link of node.

3. Memory Utilization

  1. As explained earlier we don’t have to allocate memory at compile time.
  2. Memory is allocated at run time as per requirement, so that Linked list data structure provides us strong command on memory utilization.
Singly-linked-list in c programming




waveplate or retarder is an optical device that alters the polarization state of a light wave travelling through it. Two common types of waveplates are the half-wave plate, which shifts the polarization direction of linearly polarized light, and thequarter-wave plate, which converts linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light and vice versa.[1] A quarter wave plate can be used to produce elliptical polarization as well.

Principles of operation

A waveplate works by shifting the phase between two perpendicular polarization components of the light wave. A typical waveplate is simply a birefringent crystal with a carefully chosen orientation and thickness. The crystal is cut into a plate, with the orientation of the cut chosen so that the optic axis of the crystal is parallel to the surfaces of the plate. This results in two axes in the plane of the cut: the ordinary axis, with index of refraction no, and the extraordinary axis, with index of refraction ne. The ordinary axis is perpendicular to the optic axis. The extraordinary axis is parallel to the optic axis. For a light wave normally incident upon the plate, polarization component along the ordinary axis travels through the crystal with a speed vo = c/no, while the polarization component along the extraordinary axis travels with a speed ve = c/ne. This leads to a phase difference between the two components as they exit the crystal. When ne < no, as in calcite, the extraordinary axis is called the fast axis and the ordinary axis is called the slow axis. For ne > no the situation is reversed.
Depending on the thickness of the crystal, light with polarization components along both axes will emerge in a different polarization state. The waveplate is characterized by the amount of relative phase, Γ, that it imparts on the two components, which is related to the birefringence Δn and the thickness L of the crystal by the formula
\Gamma = \frac{2 \pi\, \Delta n\, L}{\lambda_0},
where λ0 is the vacuum wavelength of the light.

Half-wave plate

half plate-S
For a half-wave plate, the relationship between L, Δn, and λ0 is chosen so that the phase shift between polarization components is Γ = π. Now suppose a linearly polarized wave with polarization vector \mathbf{\hat p} is incident on the crystal. Let θ denote the angle between \mathbf{\hat p} and \mathbf{\hat f}, where \mathbf{\hat f} is the vector along the waveplate's fast axis. Let z denote the propagation axis of the wave. The electric field of the incident wave is
\mathbf{E}\,\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)} = E\, \mathbf{\hat p}\,\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)} = E (\cos\theta\, \mathbf{\hat f} + \sin\theta\, \mathbf{\hat s})\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)},
where \mathbf{\hat s} lies along the waveplate's slow axis. The effect of the half-wave plate is to introduce a phase shift term eiΓ = eiπ = −1 between thef and s components of the wave, so that upon exiting the crystal the wave is now given by
E (\cos\theta\, \mathbf{\hat f} - \sin\theta\, \mathbf{\hat s})\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)} = E [\cos(-\theta) \mathbf{\hat f} + \sin(-\theta) \mathbf{\hat s}]\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)}.
If \mathbf{\hat p}' denotes the polarization vector of the wave exiting the waveplate, then this expression shows that the angle between \mathbf{\hat p}' and \mathbf{\hat f} is −θ. Evidently, the effect of the half-wave plate is to mirror the wave's polarization vector through the plane formed by the vectors \mathbf{\hat f} and \mathbf{\hat z}. For linearly polarized light, this is equivalent to saying that the effect of the half-wave plate is to rotate the polarization vector through an angle 2θ; however, for elliptically polarized light the half-wave plate also has the effect of inverting the light's handedness.[1]

The half wave plate can be used to rotate the polarization state of a plane polarized light as shown in Figure 1.
Suppose a plane-polarized wave is normally incident on a wave plate, and the plane of polarization is at an angle q with respect to the fast axis, as shown. After passing through the plate, the original plane wave has been rotated through an angle 2q
A half-wave plate is very handy in rotating the plane of polarization from a polarized laser to any other desired plane (especially if the laser is too large to rotate).  Most large ion lasers are vertically polarized.  To obtain horizontal polarization, simply place a half-wave plate in the beam with its fast (or slow) axis 45° to the vertical.  The l/2 plates can also change left circularly polarized light into right circularly polarized light or vice versa.  The thickness of half waveplate is such that the phase difference is 1/2 wavelength (l/2, Zero order) or certain multiple of 1/2-wavelength [(2n+1)l/2, multiple order].

Quarter-wave plate

quarter plate-S
Quarter wave plate polarizaton.gif
For a quarter-wave plate, the relationship between L, Δn, and λ0 is chosen so that the phase shift between polarization components is Γ = π/2. Now suppose a linearly polarized wave is incident on the crystal. This wave can be written as
(E_f \mathbf{\hat f} + E_s \mathbf{\hat s})\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)},
where the f and s axes are the quarter-wave plate's fast and slow axes, respectively, the wave propagates along the z axis, and Ef and Esare real. The effect of the quarter-wave plate is to introduce a phase shift term eiΓ =eiπ/2 = i between the f and s components of the wave, so that upon exiting the crystal the wave is now given by
(E_f \mathbf{\hat f} + i E_s \mathbf{\hat s})\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)}.
The wave is now elliptically polarized.
If the axis of polarization of the incident wave is chosen so that it makes a 45° with the fast and slow axes of the waveplate, then Ef = Es ≡E, and the resulting wave upon exiting the waveplate is
E(\mathbf{\hat f}+i\mathbf{\hat s})\mathrm{e}^{i(kz-\omega t)},
and the wave is circularly polarized.
Quarter wave plate are used to turn plane-polarized light into circularly polarized light and vice versa. To do this, we must orient the wave plate so that equal amounts of fast and slow waves are excited. We may do this by orienting an incident plane-polarized wave at 45° to the fast (or slow) axis, as shown in Figure 2. When a l/4 plate is double passed, i.e., by mirror reflection, it acts as a l/2 plate and rotates the plane of polarization to a certain angle, i.e., 90°.   This scheme is widely used in isolators, Q-switches, etc.
The thickness of the quarter waveplate is such that the phase difference is 1/4 wavelength (l/4, Zero order) or certain multiple of 1/4-wavelength [(2n+1)l/4, multiple order].

Quarter-Wave Plate Applications

Quarter Wave Retarders Figure 1
The most common types of waveplates are quarter-wave plates (λ/4 plates) and half-wave plates (λ/2 plates), where the difference of phase delays between the two linear polarization directions is π/2 or π, respectively, corresponding to propagation phase shifts over a distance of λ / 4 or λ / 2, respectively.

Wave retarders are birefringent materials that alter (retard) the polarization state or phase of light traveling through them.  A wave retarder has a fast (extraordinary) and slow (ordinary) axis.
As polarized light passes through a wave retarder, the light passing through the fast axis travels more quickly through the wave retarder than through the slow axis.  In the case of a quarter wave retarder, the wave plate retards the velocity of one of the polarization components (x or y) one quarter of a wave out of phase from the other polarization component.
Polarized light passing through a quarter wave retarder thus becomes circularly polarized (see Figure 1).  The action of the quarter wave is sometimes referred to as twisting or rotating the polarized light.  Note that depending on which polarization component is retarded, one will have either a left handed or right handed circular polarizer.

Some important cases are:
  • When a light beam is linearly polarized, and the polarization direction is along one of the axes of the waveplate, the polarization remains unchanged.
  • When the incident polarization does not coincide with one of the axes, and the plate is a half-wave plate, then the polarization stays linear, but the polarization direction is rotated. For example, for an angle of 45° to the axes, the polarization direction is rotated by 90°.
  • When the incident polarization is at an angle of 45° to the axes, a quarter-wave plate generates a state of circular polarization. (Other input polarizations lead to elliptical polarization states.) Conversely, circularly polarized light is converted into linearly polarized light.
Within a laser resonator, two quarter-wave plates around the gain medium are sometimes used for obtaining single-frequency operation(→ twisted-mode technique). Inserting a half-wave plate between a laser crystal and a resonator end mirror can help to reduce depolarization loss. The combination of a half-wave plate and a polarizer allows one to realize an output coupler with adjustable transmission.
Many waveplates are made of crystalline quartz (SiO2), as this material exhibits a wide wavelength range with very high transparency, and can be prepared with high optical quality. Other possible materials (to be used e.g. in other wavelength regions) are calcite (CaCO3), magnesium fluoride (MgF2), sapphire (Al2O3), mica (a silicate material), and some birefringent polymers.

theory of elliptically polarized light

Theory of elliptically polarized light

A beam of plane polarized light can be obtained from a Nicol prism. This beam of plane polarized light is made incident normally on the surface of a calcite crystal cut parallel to its optic axis.
As shown in Fig. 14.32(a), let the plane of polarization of the incident beam make an angle θ with the optic axis and let the amplitude of this incident light be A.

Figure 14.32 (a) Plane wave incident on calcite crystal; (b) e-ray and o-ray light amplitudes in calcite crystal
As polarized light enters into the calcite crystal, it will split into two components, e-ray and o-ray. The e-ray ...

Energy density of classical electromagnetic waves[edit]

Energy in a plane wave[edit]

Main article: Energy density
The energy per unit volume in classical electromagnetic fields is (cgs units)
 \mathcal{E}_c = \frac{1}{8\pi} \left [ \mathbf{E}^2( \mathbf{r} , t ) + \mathbf{B}^2( \mathbf{r} , t ) \right ] .
For a plane wave, this becomes
 \mathcal{E}_c = \frac{\mid \mathbf{E} \mid^2}{8\pi}
where the energy has been averaged over a wavelength of the wave.

Fraction of energy in each component[edit]

The fraction of energy in the x component of the plane wave is
 f_x = \frac{ \mid \mathbf{E} \mid^2 \cos^2\theta }{ \mid \mathbf{E} \mid^2 } = \psi_x^*\psi_x = \cos^2 \theta
with a similar expression for the y component resulting in f_y=\sin^2\theta.
The fraction in both components is
 \psi_x^*\psi_x + \psi_y^*\psi_y = \langle \psi  | \psi\rangle = 1.

Momentum density of classical electromagnetic waves[edit]

The momentum density is given by the Poynting vector
 \boldsymbol { \mathcal{P}} = {1 \over 4\pi c } \mathbf{E}( \mathbf{r}, t ) \times \mathbf{B}( \mathbf{r}, t ).
For a sinusoidal plane wave traveling in the z direction, the momentum is in the z direction and is related to the energy density:
 \mathcal{P}_z c = \mathcal{E}_c.
The momentum density has been averaged over a wavelength.

Angular momentum density of classical electromagnetic waves[edit]

Electromagnetic waves can have both orbital and spin angular momentum.[1] The total angular momentum density is
 \boldsymbol { \mathcal{L} } = \mathbf{r} \times \boldsymbol { \mathcal{P} } = {1 \over 4\pi c } \mathbf{r} \times \left [ \mathbf{E}( \mathbf{r}, t ) \times \mathbf{B}( \mathbf{r}, t ) \right ].
For a sinusoidal plane wave propagating along z axis the orbital angular momentum density vanishes. The spin angular momentum density is in the z direction and is given by
 \mathcal{L} = { {\mid \mathbf{E} \mid^2}  \over {8\pi\omega} } \left ( \mid \langle R  | \psi\rangle \mid^2 - \mid \langle L  | \psi\rangle \mid^2 \right ) = { 1  \over \omega } \mathcal{E}_c \left ( \mid \psi_R \mid^2 - \mid \psi_L \mid^2 \right )
where again the density is averaged over a wavelength.

Optical filters and crystals[edit]

Passage of a classical wave through a polaroid filter[edit]

Linear polarization
linear filter transmits one component of a plane wave and absorbs the perpendicular component. In that case, if the filter is polarized in the x direction, the fraction of energy passing through the filter is
 f_x  = \psi_x^*\psi_x = \cos^2\theta.\,

Example of energy conservation: Passage of a classical wave through a birefringent crystal[edit]

An ideal birefringent crystal transforms the polarization state of an electromagnetic wave without loss of wave energy. Birefringent crystals therefore provide an ideal test bed for examining the conservative transformation of polarization states. Even though this treatment is still purely classical, standard quantum tools such as unitary and Hermitian operators that evolve the state in time naturally emerge.

Initial and final states[edit]

A birefringent crystal is a material that has an optic axis with the property that the light has a different index of refraction for light polarized parallel to the axis than it has for light polarized perpendicular to the axis. Light polarized parallel to the axis are called "extraordinary rays" or "extraordinary photons", while light polarized perpendicular to the axis are called "ordinary rays" or "ordinary photons". If a linearly polarized wave impinges on the crystal, the extraordinary component of the wave will emerge from the crystal with a different phase than the ordinary component. In mathematical language, if the incident wave is linearly polarized at an angle  \theta   with respect to the optic axis, the incident state vector can be written
   |\psi\rangle   =   \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta    \\ \sin\theta    \end{pmatrix}
and the state vector for the emerging wave can be written
   |\psi '\rangle   =   \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta \exp \left ( i \alpha_x \right )   \\ \sin\theta \exp \left ( i \alpha_y \right )   \end{pmatrix}  = \begin{pmatrix}  \exp \left ( i \alpha_x \right ) & 0   \\ 0 &  \exp \left ( i \alpha_y \right )   \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta    \\ \sin\theta    \end{pmatrix} \ \stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}\   \hat{U} |\psi\rangle.
While the initial state was linearly polarized, the final state is elliptically polarized. The birefringent crystal alters the character of the polarization.
In a beam of electromagnetic radiation the vectors of electric field E and magnetic field H are perpendicular to the direction of the light propagation. Because vectors E and H of electromagnetic wave are perpendicular also to each other, the state of the light anisotropy in the direction perpendicular to the wave propagation can be described by any of these two vectors. Generally, the polarization direction is the direction of the electric field vector E.
ellf.gifLight emitted by separate atoms and molecules is always polarized. Nevertheless, any macroscopic source of the light consists of huge number of such separate emitters and the direction of the electric field at any moment of the time is not predictable. Such light is called unpolarized or natural light. Using light polarizer (polarization filter) we can suppress the component of the light polarized in one direction and transmit only the component polarized in perpendicular direction. Behind the polarizer the light will be plane-polarized. In general case, the totally polarized light consists of two perpendicular plane-polarized components. Depending on the amplitude of these two waves and their relative phase, the combined electric vector traces out an ellipse and the wave is said to be elliptically polarized. Elliptical and plane polarization can be converted into each other by means of birefringent optical systems. Animation shows two waves: one of them are linear polarized wave and the other one is the circularly polarized wave. The electric field vector of linearly polarized electromagnetic wave (marked in blue) oscillates only in one direction.  In circularly polarized wave the end of electric field vector (marked in red) moves like a coil.
If the lineally-polarized (plane-polarized) light is incident onto the polarizer, then the intensity of the transmitted light I will depend upon the angle a between the direction of the light polarization and the orientation of the polarizer as follows:
I = I0cos2a
Animation shows the experiment when the Gaussian beam with linear polarization is incident onto the rotating polarizer. As a result the intensity of light spot on the screen behind the polarizer is varied harmonically depending on the angle between the polarization direction and polarizer angle.
Let us consider flat electro-magnetic wave propagating in the positive direction along the axis x. In this case the equation of such a wave can be written as:
Ex = 0,    Ey = E0cos(wt - kx),  Ez = 0;
Hx = 0,   Hy = 0Hz = H0cos(
wt - kx);
where k=w/c is the wave constant, c is the velocity of the light. As we can see from the animation there is no oscillation of electric and magnetic components of wave in the direction (Ex=Hx = 0). This means the the electromagnetic wave is the transverse one. This is one of the principle differences of electromagnetic wave as compared to the wave of mechanical stresses. Another principle of electro-magnetic wave propagation is that the vectors E and H oscillate in phase, i.e. they achieve the maximum value in the same points of the space.
ellr.gifEllipsometry is a non-destructive optical technique, which deals with the measurement and interpretation state of polarized light undergoing oblique reflection from a sample surface. Linearly polarized light, when reflected from a surface, will change its state to elliptically polarized because of presence of the thin layer of the boundary surface between two mediums. Dependence between optical constants of a layer and parameters of elliptically polarized light can be found on basis of Fresnel formulas. The green line of mercury lamp or laser beam is used in ellipsometry as a source of light. The wide-band light of incandescent lamp can also be used for spectroscopic measurements. The laser has a higher power which gives a higher signal to noise ratio for better imaging at a wavelength where the sample is transparent.  Animation shows two linear polarized waves incident on the surface. The wave, which reflects from a thin film of a sample, becomes circularly polarized wave, while the other wave reflected from a substrate does not change the state of polarization.
ells.gifelln.gifThe microscopy with the use of the principles of ellipsometry is shown in the next animation. The beam of light comes out of the laser or lamp (marked in red), then the first polarizer (green) selects an angle for linear polarization, then the 1/4 wave plate compensator (blue) generates the correct elliptically polarized light such that it reflects off the surface linearly, then the analyzer (green) is adjusted to cross with that angle to find a null. As a result the sample  becomes visible as a black spot on the white background of substrate, which reflects the light in the same polarization. The image of a sample is detected and recorded with the aid of photodiode matrix. Changing the orientation of the polarizer and analyzer we can achieve the positive picture of the sample, the negative one and all intermediate states. More detail information on imaging ellipsometry  can be found on the website of the company